2021, a year of growth and new opportunities for LIVEfree Project. Read our January Update for all the exciting details.

After 21 months, a 5-hour hospital visit, 8 extractions and 2 fillings, Kirra finally received the dental treatment she desperately needed through our Smile & Thrive Dental Program. Kirra is not like other 4-year old's, Kirra is tough.

Here we are in January 2022 - the year ahead is full of so much potential and the dreaming up of our next steps has begun. We are EXCITED and at the same time, like with anything new, experiencing moments of holding our breath to see how we will accomplish it all.

We believe in celebrating the important moments in life, the wins. Each year we write down any wins or opportunities that have opened for us as an organisation. We call these our Roller Door moments.
As our supporters, we want to share our roller door moments from 2021 with you!

Each year we’ve had a growing number of students choose to do their placements with us.
"Their understanding of the vulnerable needs within the community has been finely tuned and is a credit to the people that work and volunteer at LIVEfree project."

"I’ve been involved with the Hamilton South Community for a long time – firstly as a front line Police Officer for 36 years and as a volunteer since my retirement in 2019. I’ve seen firsthand the need for love and support – the trauma, poverty, loneliness, DV, substance abuse, judgement, stigma."