"2022 was a year of impact and change, crashing through any expectations or plans we had. I am full of excitement and expectancy as LIVEfree Project continues to expand, overcome challenges, and bring enduring change at the coal face of community need."
- Chris, Director of LIVEfree Project
This issue we share with you some EXCITING program updates, our dreams for 2023, introduce you to one of our team members and reveal our INCREDIBLE new office building design. We are grateful for the year that has been and are looking forward to everything this next year will bring!
Aboriginal Mural Transforms LIVEfree Project Offices: Embracing Our Past and Our Future
It was our hope that one day we could create an office space that acknowledges and embraces each generation and continues to surround them with nurture and strength; to encourage greater connection with our indigenous brothers and sisters’ and their unique culture.
Employee Spotlight: "Every day I am excited to go to work"
Before working at LIVEfree Project Laura was working in marketing and social media. But, once COVID started it made her assess her path and realise she was working in an industry that did not align with her values.
January 2023: Message from Our Director
I am full of excitement and expectancy as we continue to expand, overcome challenges, and bring enduring change at the coal face of community need. This past year, we crossed the threshold into business partnerships and were invited into the hearts of our community in a deeper way.

Brighter Beginnings Bus Program Expands to a Second School
"I don't think we can actually measure all the benefits to the kids involved. It relieves pressure off struggling families and benefits the entire school community. To see the kids happy smiling faces each day is a joy."