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Programs With An Impact

LIVEfree Project Team

With the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions in Newcastle continuing with no end date announced, local families that are vulnerable due to illness, age, disability, job loss, mental health issues or family and domestic violence, are struggling.

LIVEfree Project Volunteers Packing Bags for Doorstop Deliveries Food Program

Although current restrictions have forced many services and organisations to close down, LIVEfree Project is still operational and here to support our local community during one of our toughest lockdowns.

While all our group programs have unfortunately been put on hold until further notice, we still have a number of services running in a new Covid safe capacity, these include:

- Doorstop Deliveries of Essential Goods

- R U OK wellbeing check in phone calls

- NDIS support sessions via zoom or phone

- Individual mentoring sessions via zoom or phone

- Crisis Relief

- Dental and Medical Transport & Support

- Online Resources - See our Wellness Kit and Domestic & Family Violence Support Page

Video: Doorstop Delivery of Essential Goods Program

Our Doorstop Delivery Program puts together bags of groceries every Tuesday, with food rescued and donated by Oz Harvest, and then delivers these all across Newcastle to families in need. But this is not just a food program, its so much more:

"Thank you so much for the Oz Harvest delivery each Tuesday,

I always appreciated your help but even more so now with my current life circumstances. I get little or no support from anyone else. Thank you for creating a bright spot in my weekly routine with your help and support on Tuesdays

It makes me feel less alone in this current lonely and isolating situation I am in"

- Greg, Doorstop Delivery Recipient

Greg is a community member that we deliver food to every week, he lives alone and has been on a cancer recovery journey. These past health issues make life exhausting for Greg, making it difficult for him to get out, be active and socialise. So having someone come to his door each week to drop off some essential groceries and have an intentional chat with him, means the world to Greg.

This program is not just about handing out food, but checking in on the wellbeing of the most vulnerable people within our community. This Doorstop Delivery Program allows us to see people face-to-face (socially distanced of course) and make time to ask them how they are really going. It is from this point of connection that we are then able to listen to their story and offer them further support.

Thank you to all our incredible volunteers who help us to support vulnerable community members each week through their sacrifice.

If you'd like to support this program and help us to reach more people like Greg each week, then please donate here or contact us today about how you can get involved.

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